Week 4 of 20-Time Stock Project

So far in my stock funding adventure, I have only done research on how to push money into the vast world of the stock market. Sadly, I have been caught on a hitch and it will be a longer waiting period before I can even attempt to fund my project… Of course, to do this I need money and a reliable way to get money is to get a job, that is one part of the hitch. I need a job and I need it ASAP, but in order to even do that, I require my birth certificate and SSN to get my California state ID. After that is when my plan can commence, for now, it is more research.Image result for california state id example

Example ID from, https://mliesl.edu/2016/03/19/how-to-get-your-california-id-card/

Research done

Stocks are a lot more complicated than most might think. One can’t just get a credit card or savings account and then invest in a couple of minutes. So far, what I’ve learned is that most people who are serious into stocks hire a “broker” this person helps by buying and selling stocks for the person. Basically, a person will give money to a broker and with that money, invest into what they think is the best. However, there is a way to do it by yourself and it will save you money, but you will lose out on expertise and it is much harder. A person also can’t invest however much money they want, depending on the company a person is trying to invest in it costs a different amount per stock. This makes things more difficult for people who try to invest with little money in the stock market because if a company is doing well then a lot of people will invest in it raising the stock price.Image result for stock market up

Credit for Photo: http://windgatewealthmanagement.com/the-up-side-of-down-stock-market-declines-annual-returns/

Published by

Jorge Montoy

A high schooler trying to help others.

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