Week 11 Blog

Last Week

Sadly, my group couldn’t go and help the kids because of Thanksgiving break. However, the week before that, we had the kids make hand turkeys to take to their parents. Furthermore, we had them learn some keywords about Thanksgiving like how to say turkey and Thanksgiving.

This Week

We will be teaching the kids about the universe this week. I feel like it is a topic the kids would enjoy because who doesn’t like the vastness of space, and I feel like it is just common knowledge people know how to say in every language, so why not make it common knowledge for them while their brains are still malleable? The words they will be taught will be “World = Mundo, Stars = Estrella, Universe = Universo, and etc.” We will have them make some space-related arts and maybe spell their name out in little stars with planets around it.

Next Week

It will be Christmas soon by this time so we will teach them basic terms for Christmas and winter. We will have them learn how to say tree, Christmas, winter, and maybe some of the Christmas animals. We will have them make a tree ornament of their choosing with some paper and a paperclip as a hook. We are trying to find out what we should have them put on their ornaments or if we can find a better idea, but either way, we will have fun.

Published by

Jorge Montoy

A high schooler trying to help others.

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